Image from San Dunne, Creative Commons

The primary goal of the Ecological Citizen’s Project is to develop ecological citizenship.

ec·o·log·i·cal (adj): relating to or concerned with the relation of living organisms to one another and to their surroundings.

cit·i·zen·ship (n): the state of being vested with the rights, privileges, and duties of a citizen.

Becoming an ecological citizen. An ecological citizen possesses a greater sense of ecological-consciousness, recognizing the ways we are inextricably connected to each other and the world around us. In addition to possessing rights within our world, an ecological citizen embraces the responsibilities of an active, expansive citizenship, one which includes changing private behaviors to promote the public good and engaging in collective action to push for responsible, systemic change.

Facing our equity and sustainability challenges. We live in a culture of atomization, with things presented and organized as separate from each other without wider context. Whether it is the food we eat or products we buy, how we study social problems and determine solutions, or how individual actions are connected to community outcomes, we are failing to see the forest for the trees. To address growing economic insecurity, environmental destruction, unhealthy communities and a weakening democracy, we must develop a movement of ecological citizens.

We need to see the world ecologically, recognizing the interconnections between the problems we face and acting to address root causes collectively.

Join us and become an ecological citizen.

Learn from our change campaigns.

Join us at a convening.

Listen to personal stories of change.
