re·gen·er·a·tion: the process of renewal, restoration, or growth that makes life possible against the forces that cause disturbance or damage.


The problems we face are interconnected. We need solutions that are ecological in the deepest sense of the word — that recognize that to build individual lives where people can achieve their fullest potential, we must build communities that support greater economic security and personal and environmental health.

We believe change will come from creating living examples of a better society. There are a lot of innovative ways that we can work for change at the local level. Over the past five years, the ECP has brought people together to develop and win positive change in their communities . 

At the heart of it, we are working to build community sovereignty, where land sovereignty, food sovereignty and energy sovereignty intersect. This means that communities control their land, food and energy, building circular, regenerative local economies that operate on principles of justice, equity and democratic governance.

We’ve taken what we’ve learned and created “Campaign Toolkits” that lay out the concrete steps we followed to win change in each of our issue areas. If you want learn more about how to start a campaign in your own community, we hope you’ll contact us.


Community change campaigns