Regenerative Communities
meet the 2020 regenerators
The ECP’s Regenerative Communities (RC) project…
… will seek to demonstrate an innovative model for community development in the Hudson Valley which gives a new generation of diverse farmers and ecological stewards the tools they need — purposeful training, economic security and access to affordable land and home — to do the regenerative work of building just, healthy, and sovereign communities of joyful abundance. The ECP is building partnerships with community organizations, landholders, elected officials, philanthropists and community members who share the goal of building regenerative communities, where we can all become ecological citizens.
We will do this by:
Promoting food sovereignty. The ECP will train new farmers and connect them to land in a community they want to call home and bring change to, and to empower them to produce food for themselves and their community.
Promoting income sovereignty. We will pay these community farmers to bring food security and systems change to their communities and we will work toward the creation of employee-owned businesses in order to generate wealth.
Promoting energy sovereignty. We will work to develop community-owned solar installations, which can provide a sustainable source of revenue to support community-based work, and at the same time generate local, renewable electricity for our region.
Promoting home sovereignty. We will work to make housing affordable by promoting community land trusts, land banks, and other affordable housing opportunities in our region.
Learn about the Regenerator-Newburgh program at Crystal Lake.
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Learn about the Regeneration Farm in Peekskill at Lepore Park.