Emerging Citizen-Leaders
October, 2015
Andrea Amaro
Fordham University
Bronx, NY
I'm an ecological citizen because it is imperative for individuals to become aware of our impact on the social, economic and environmental issues that we continue to face. Through introspective analysis of our relationship with the planet, we can begin to reevaluate our core values, respect our land and revisit what we consider to be necessary to maintain the well-being of mankind and the planet.
Dylan Belding
Montclair State University
Montclair, NJ
I'm an ecological citizen because the world is ready and waiting for a positive ecological shift which will in turn change our qualities of life and spirit. I would like to contribute to improving our overall efficiency as a society. We can either let consumption consume us and the Earth, or search for and secure a proper balance.
Ksawery Biskup
William Patterson University
Wayne, NJ
I'm an ecological citizen because I love nature and we only have one planet, so let's preserve it for our future generations as best we can.
Alexa Fiumarelli
William Patterson University
Wayne, NJ
I'm an ecological citizen because I am eager to obtain new and useful skills to ensure a better future for not only myself but to help guide future generations. I feel that there are many prevailing sustainability and social justice issues that need to be addressed.
Richard Passley
Bronx Community College
Bronx, NY
I'm an ecological citizen because I believe we must live our everyday lives keeping the well-being of everyone on Earth and the planet itself in mind.
Kaisii Varner
Lehman College
Bronx, NY
I'm an ecological citizen because I understand that we live with our earth, not just on it; we are one and the same with nature and therefore we should be compelled to take care of our earth, not abuse it.