Nature Connection Camp, summer 2019
Nature connection: Summer camp for Peekskill youth
summer 2019
The ECP partnered with New Era Creative Space, serving as a farm/nature space for summer camp-youth to learn about sustainable agricultural practices, climate justice, food justice and ecological consciousness. Learn more.
Garrison union free school youth climate summit
spring 2019
The ECP worked with our local public school to put on a Youth Climate Summit for middle school-aged children from the surrounding area. Seven schools participated in the summit with 150 students. The ECP facilitated a workshop on “Becoming a CO2-eating superhero” to discuss the merits of carbon sinking through plant and soil-based methods and we helped source and cook a climate-friendly lunch for the occasion. Read more here.
peekskill community congress volunteer networking event
spring 2019
With the PkCC community vote results in, it was time to mobilize volunteer power to help turn the initiatives people voted for into a reality. The ECP hosted a networking event for residents of Peekskill to meet the proposers of the initiatives, meet like-minded neighbors and learn more about how to help.
carbon sequestration: land use decisions in a climate smart community
spring 2019
Philipstown is a pledged Climate Smart Community and is conducting a community-wide greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory that is giving a fair shot to measuring carbon sequestering potential of our soils, our natural resources - forests, wetlands - and our farmed land. Learn more about what the Philipstown CSC initiative is all about here.
Peekskill community congress: 3rd public forum
winter 2019
The PkCC convened for the final public forum of this session’s Congress. We were pleased to host this forum in partnership with the Saturday Academy at the Peekskill Middle School. We heard 15 unique ideas for moving Peekskill forward. Read all of the ideas put forward by Peekskill residents here.
civics with peekskill teens
winter 2019
Empowering youth to advocate for change is necessary for the future of our people and our planet. We gathered a group of Peekskill teens to demonstrate what direct democracy looks like, generate ideas to improve lives and practice how to pitch those ideas to a crowd.
Peekskill community congress: 2nd public forum
winter 2019
The PkCC convened for a second time at the Peekskill Brewery to hear more ideas from residents about how to promote and preserve a strong Peekskill. Eleven ideas were introduced to a packed house, with over 120 people coming together in support of their community. Read some exciting local coverage on the event here.